Currently, hydroelectric power is the largest source of renewable energy in the U.S. Moreover, it is responsible for around 7% of the total energy production in the country. Apart from the U.S., China is the world s largest producer of hydroelectric energy, which includes the world s largest power station that produces more than 15% of the country s total energy.
Large in person events in 2021 remain a big question mark. With this series, solar and storage workers can ensure their businesses are in the know on the latest technologies and offerings all without spending a penny or traveling across the country.
According to the research report, the global electric vehicles market in 2019 surpassed USD 140 Billion. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 22% and is anticipated to reach around USD 700 Billion by 2026.
Envisioning the 6G Future
Nermin Mohamed, Head of Telecommunications Solutions at | Wind River
Always Innovating: A look Ahead at 6G
As automation surges and the uses of virtual reality expand, the need for faster, more secure communication has grown. Robotic surgery, tel-a-doc services, online meetings, all these technologies are being implemented in new and ever more powerful ways. But each new implementation also strains the available processing power and existing communication channels.
Hyperconnectivity, the trend towards online work and communication has been fueled by both technical and social trends. Entire companies and even industries have moved to online working. And after the workday is over, people switch from video calls to online gaming. From virtual reality games to massively multiplayer immersive experiences, participation in online games has skyrocketed. People no longer come together at an office building to work or at a sports stadium to watch a game. They go