to be interviewed by the cops at the time and the case was cleared. in january of 2009, 18 years later, it was reopened after the woman changed her mind and agreed to be grilled by the portland police. in the interview she says she was doing, quote, abdominal work on the portly prize winner when he started to mown and demanded she go lower. then he grabbed her happened and shoved it toward his groin and tried to have sex with her. later she called him a sex poodle, which is my name for bill. but police determined there was not enough evidence to back up her story and declined to press charges. what does this all mean? it is time for another issue of red eye robot theater. and ripped straight from the police report, robot al gore tries to hit on robot massage therapist. hello, mr. gore.
than elliott spitzer. he is the only one left alive from different strokes. he s alive? theoretically. does it give everybody hope they will get a show. i think both these stories gives them confidence they will hit the jackpot. the vice president walks in and you are getting a book deal out of that. just have sex with one famous guy and you never have to work again. that s what i did. who was it? i am not telling you, but i am in a lot of movies with hem. i think the fact that the guy has a really, really wild, dark side means that everything outside it is boring. all of his sleezy, exciting stuff happens in the bedroom. when you watch him on tv, it is a big snore. i have to say, i can t make fun of this guy forgetting a show.
weird. weird people have weird de details. could she have really made up the fact this is true, he took out his i-pod and showed he had pink s mr. president on it. does he have a cameo or just trying to show he listens to pink. al gore made up global warming. you don t think the woman could have made up a story of being with al gore? i don t. could this be bush s fault? it is completely bush s fault. bush drove this man insane. you are about to be the most powerful man in the word. the guy you think is an i had idiot snatches it away. i just have to say, last word, you are a woman. thank you. just thought i would . that out for everybody at home. this stuff scares me. this means anytime a woman can
chocolates. i will show him my inconvenient truth for that right now. come on. i don t know if that is inconvenient. thank you. maybe a little. isn t it a fact amy brings up a good point. whether this actually happened or not, he did go see a massage therapist and paid $540. so he was expecting something, right? greg, we all get massages, i suppose, from time to time. i would think for $500 he would get a happy ending. if he didn t, he probably wasn t driving a hard enough bargain. a lot of men cheat. we have no proof. the police investigated it and came up with nothing. i think you are right. it is a little suspicious when somebody appears years later very hurt by some allegations. at this point, unfortunately, i am more libel to side with al gore and think this is probably a claim of a nut job rather than a real crime being committed. this is the big point,
lotion with me. t clearly he lost a lot of weight. allen, as much as i would like to think this story is real, i just can t believe it. i disdain al gore with every fiber of my being, but i don t think it happened. i think it happened. one part of the transcript he said, look, i m just trying to put my social security in your lock box. really? that was left out of the version i read. i may have to doubt you, allen. amy, she said she didn t go to the police the first time in 2006 because she didn t want a commotion. she didn t want to make a spectacle. so she waits three years. do you buy this excuse? no, not at all. the massage cost $540? of course he expected a climate change in his pants, are you serious? and i hear he of on erred her