Case Name: Orexo AB v. Sun Pharm. Indus. Ltd., Civ. No. 20-12588 (GC/DEA), 2023 WL 4492095 (D.N.J. July 12, 2023) (Castner, J.) - Drug Product and Patent(s)-in-Suit: Zubsolv®.
A North Dakota court has affirmed the voting rights of the state's Native Americans yesterday. After North Dakota elected officials failed to redraw state electoral maps to ensure Native Americans are not denied a fair opportunity to elect state legislators, the U.S. District Court for the District of North Dakota ordered fair maps into place that will end the unlawful dilution of votes cast by Native Americans. In the same order, the court also denied the North Dakota Legislature's latest attempts to delay implementation of new state legislative maps.
Litigation is often expensive. When a client considers filing a lawsuit or must decide how to handle a lawsuit someone else started, one of the most fundamental questions to ask is: Who.
The early stages of partner and shareholder relationships are about hope and promise, not discord and dispute. Yet, the earliest stage and during the drafting of the partner or.