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Sputnik International
Elon Musk SNL performance saw Dogecoin dip by 23%
The meme-driven cryptocurrency, Dogecoin saw a massive surge this month following endorsement by Elon Musk fell over 23% following a comedy sketch by Elon Musk on Saturday Night Live.
Akarsh Verma | May 9, 2021 | Updated 15:06 IST
The price of Dogecoin peaked at 71 cents following the endorsement by Elon Musk.
Investors who were hoping for the cryptocurrency to reach $1 were left disappointed when the currency dipped 23% following Musks statement on Saturday Night Live.
The price of the cryptocurrency dogecoin plunged overnight as Tesla s CEO Elon Musk hosted Saturday Night Live (SNL).
His backing of dogecoin had been a rallying point for the doge community, who had been eagerly anticipating his appearance, but dogecoin holders who had hoped his mention of the digital currency on national TV would boost its price toward $1 were left disappointed. After peaking around 70 cents just before SNL aired, dogecoin prices
Elon Musk SNL performance saw Dogecoin dip by 23%
Elon Musk SNL performance saw Dogecoin dip by 23%
The meme-driven cryptocurrency, Dogecoin saw a massive surge this month following endorsement by Elon Musk fell over 23% following a comedy sketch by Elon Musk on Saturday Night Live.
The price of Dogecoin peaked at 71 cents following the endorsement by Elon Musk.
Investors who were hoping for the cryptocurrency to reach $1 were left disappointed when the currency dipped 23% following Musk’s statement on Saturday Night Live.
The price of the cryptocurrency dogecoin plunged overnight as Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk hosted Saturday Night Live (SNL).
by Tyler Durden
Monday, May 10, 2021 - 04:22 AM
Once upon a time Saturday Night Live was a celebration of acting talent, of impromptu creativity and most importantly, of humor, which is why it launched the careers of too many comedians to count. Alas, over the past few decades, SNL lost its way, and become preachy podium for virtue signaling poseurs, for status quo apologists and for countless people who revel in the uniqueness of their identity politics yet can t cobble together a simple joke if America s Universal Basic Income depended on it. It s also why over the past few decades the viewership of SNL collapsed and countless Americans forgot about the show. Well. many got a stark reminder last night when millions turned on SNL for first time in years (or ever) only to be immediately reminded why they never watched it anymore: yet another catastrophically boring, uninspired and trite attempt by a cast of talentless hacks to be funny yet failing miserably.
Dogecoin plummets during Elon Musk s âSNLâ hosting gig as Robinhood experiences issues May 09, 2021, 09:07 AM
NBC/Getty Images
At the same time, Robinhood tweeted that its app was experiencing difficulties with trading.
Robinhood declined to comment on whether the difficulty was due to changes in trading during SNL.
Dogecoin s stock price fell during billionaire Elon Musk s appearance on Saturday Night Live on 9 May.
The cryptocurrency, which started as a joke in 2013 but recently gained popularity with Musk s vocal support, fell to about $0.5 (R7.03) around 00:30 early Sunday morning, according to Coindesk, but the price steadily picked up as the show went on.