LUDLOW Mayor Tim Gill is guaranteed a place on Ludlow Town Council. Despite attempts to get more people interested in becoming councillors there will be a vote in just one of the wards. Most of the existing town councillors will be returning although some are stepping down. These include former Mayor Colin Sheward who is fighting the Ludlow East constituency on the County Council. Long serving town councillor Graham Perks continues in the role and will be hoping also to be elected to the unitary council, in a contest that will put him up against sitting Shropshire councillor Andy Boddington, who will be joining the town council. Vivienne Parry continues on the town council and hopes to be returned as Shropshire councillor for Ludlow south.
The Duke of Edinburgh would have been 100 yers old on June 10. Tim Gill, mayor of Ludlow, the deputy mayor Robin Pote and town clerk Gina Wilding took part in a small socially distanced ceremony in the town centre. Because of the period of national mourning the Town Council postponed three meetings although Tenbury Town Council went ahead with its annual residents meeting and town council meeting three days after the Duke died. In Ludlow a meeting of the Representational committee that was to have been on Wednesday, April 21 is now on Wednesday, April 28, The full council meeting that was to have been on Monday, April 19 is now taking place on Monday, April 26 and the annual town residents meeting scheduled for Monday, April 26 will now take place on Monday, June 21, the day that it is planned for all Covid-19 restrictions to be lifted.