glitches on the site than we are successes. even insurance companies are having a problem. and so what is the solution. here is robin gibbs. this is embarrassing for the white house and department of health and human services and this was bungled badly and not a server problem. this is a web site architecture problem and i hope they work day and night to get it done and when they are done i hope they get it fixed. i do, too. fire the people who get messed up. no one is fired for fast and furruous and benghazi and no one was fired for the irs. and no one was fired for obama care and the mess it has been. no one was fired for anything that is a disaster so far in this administration. no body. you know what, when i heard
0 the liberal might abandon the truth but the legalist abandoned bibliical love. the facility of the church becomes a focus equal to the fellowship of the church. legalist fight for a artificial purity based on the truth. for them that is the way they do church more than the spirit with which they do. it it is an arrogant and prideful self righteousness that focuses on self than focusing on christ. legalism fight over the color of choir robe cans temple of hems and architecture. for the ph a ra sees. what one doeses is better. some people oat their soup louder than others. but it doesn t mean the soup tastes better. legalism in the republican party is complaining that it is basedie particular personality or specific tactical pathway. the republican s greatest threat is not from liberal but legalist in the ranks who rather raise and spend vast amounts of money n to defoot a republican in a primary than a democrats and they elevate themselves to be super in conserveatism because they can
0 that proved not to be true. in the alamothey fought to the death. republicans launched the plan that was not of battle tested generals but newest rekrauts. blame the press and liberals and one s own team was the analysis of those who thought it wise to charge up the hill but without following the counsel of jesus who admonished to count the cost before starting a law. liberalism is not destroying the republican party. compared to the most conservative democrats there are no republican congressional liberals. legalism and not liberalism is devoiding the gop. i have sewn what legalism did to the church. focusing on how they express one s belief than what they believe. the liberal might abandon the truth but the legalist abandoned bibliical love. the facility of the church becomes a focus equal to the fellowship of the church. legalist fight for a artificial purity based on the truth. for them that is the way they do church more than the spirit with which they do. it it is an arrogant a
glitches on the site than we are successes. even insurance companies are having a problem. and so what is the solution. here is robin gibbs. this is embarrassing for the white house and department of health and human services and this was bungled badly and not a server problem. this is a web site architecture problem and i hope they work day and night to get it done and when they are done i hope they get it fixed. i do, too. fire the people who get messed up. no one is fired for fast and furruous and benghazi and no one was fired for the irs. and no one was fired for obama care and the mess it has been. no one was fired for anything that is a disaster so far in this administration. no body. you know what, when i heard
glitches on the site than we are successes. even insurance companies are having a problem. and so what is the solution. here is robin gibbs. this is embarrassing for the white house and department of health and human services and this was bungled badly and not a server problem. this is a web site architecture problem and i hope they work day and night to get it done and when they are done i hope they get it fixed. i do, too. fire the people who get messed up. no one is fired for fast and furruous and benghazi and no one was fired for the irs. and no one was fired for obama care and the mess it has been. no one was fired for anything that is a disaster so far in this administration. no body. you know what, when i heard