28/01/2022 - Short films produced in the last 20 years and five titles in competition are just a small slice of the solid Spanish presence at the French event, which also encompasses industry activities
28/01/2022 - Short films produced in the last 20 years and five titles in competition are just a small slice of the solid Spanish presence at the French event, which also encompasses industry activities
28/01/2022 - Une délégation espagnole nourrie débarque à l’événement français, avec des courts-métrages produits ces vingt dernières années et cinq films en compétition
28/01/2022 - Short films produced in the last 20 years and five titles in competition are just a small slice of the solid Spanish presence at the French event, which also encompasses industry activities
28/01/2022 - Una selezione di cortometraggi prodotti negli ultimi vent'anni e cinque titoli in concorso sono solo una parte del notevole contingente spagnolo presente al festival francese