He said in a video message sent to supporters on WhatsApp that he refused to surrender, though by early evening he was in custody.The events were stunning even for Brazilians who have grown increasingly accustomed to far-right politicians and activists thumbing their noses at Supreme Court justices, and comes just days before Brazilians go to the polls to vote for president.The Supreme Court has sought to rein in the spread of disinformation and anti-democratic rhetoric ahead of the October 30 vote, often inviting the ire of Bolsonaros base that decries such actions as censorship.
Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A Brazilian politician attacked federal police officers seeking to arrest him in his home on Sunday, prompting an hours-long siege that caused alarm and a scramble for a response at the highest level of government. World News | Brazil: Bolsonaro Ally Refuses Arrest, Injures Police.