Alma Rodriguez was midway through her shift at Ashley s Lottery Café in Redmond when a customer asked her to choose between two keno tickets. He was winning a little bit
news contributor hopkins. dr. marty, let s start with two questions back to back. katherine m. asks, why are the cases continuing to rise in states that are almost fully vaxxed? my state is 86.5% vaxed, and we are seeing a huge spike. and then robert h. asks why are we still pushing the vaccine when it cannot protect either contracting or spreading the virus? great question, arthel. so there s two levels of protection with the vaccine, and i think people conflate the two when they don t recognize they re entirely different. one is the protection against testing positive or getting covid. the other is the protection against severe illness and hospitalization. that s what we worry about, that s what leads to death. and so while the protection against testing positive for covid goes down significantly with vaccines over time as low as 40-50% effective at 4-6 months after your vaccination,