Richmond Triangle Players continues its 29th season with Donja R. Love's powerful and evocative Sugar in Our Wounds. The show will preview on Wednesday and Thursday April 20 and 21st, open on April 22, and will run through Saturday May 14.
Artsline || January 10: Local arts and culture events, performances, classes, and exhibitions for the Richmond area, curated each week by VPM's Artsline.
The Richmond Public Library brings their Gellman Room Concert,
Musical Aviary, with the Chamber Music Society of Central Virginia.
Artsline: Virtual Edition || April 26, 2021
“Timeless literature keeps infinitely expanding, like the universe.” ~Terri Guillemets
RVA offers a lot around story this week - written stories, spoken histories, and words set to music. You will find fantastic workshops, super-interesting book clubs, and fun author chats - especially for kids. So while there are really amazing opportunities that get you outside and into the beautiful weather all Spring, Richmond offers other, more solitary pursuits to deepen your experience here.
Join Andy live from Australia as he celebrates his new book! This may be a virtual event, but Andy s high-energy fun will shine through the screen. This event is FREE. Register for the event, then purchase a book with a 10% discount on all of the Treehouse series books, along with a bookplate signed by And