to search, because a canine hit was made, which means there is some sort of scent about this little boy near this water way. dive teams and kayakers as you see in this video are back out today. they use nighttime thermal imaging overnight to see if they could locate him. authorities say they have a better chance of finding him perhaps at night when the conditions were better for search dogs. but today they are back out there. again, there is the tip line, (804)365-6140. robert wood jr. is just nine years old. these are the woods of doswell, veneer hanover. they are searching as best they can. we hope to be able to bring good news on this one, jon. jon: let s hope we can. harris faulkner, thanks. jenna: to california where we are watching the final days in the trial of michael jackson s doctor conrad murray. taking the witness stand, dr. paul white. we keep on showing this. let me explain this a little
reporter roulette. tell me what happened 20 years ago on sunday? i can t tell you what happened yesterday. the perfect storm happened 20 years ago. the storm, yes. the movie, hurricane in iraq we don t have a hurricane this time but we have a significant weather event. for new york city. let me show you what is going to happen here. i m talking about all of the western suburbs just to the west of the city. part of an i-95 10 to 20 miles west of there. zero inches of snow to 15 or 20 right along. along the water, it s going to snow a lot in new york city. it s just not going to stick. there s going to be slop. there s going to be a raindrop and snowflake that comes down at the same time. you don t get accumulation with that. what you do get with that, patterson, up into northern bour ban county, snow on the leaves are going to make it break. all of the power lines are going to come down. 15 inch ts of snow. rapidly, though, as you get past the delaware water gap. t