last night in the immediate aftermath of the news he had passed and i suggested his legacy might be endurance and perpetual position of being in a comeback. was that true do you think of senator kennedy ultimately? i think it was true. this was a guy whose life was not in any way easy, especially after 1968. he did not go through a day in which he could be entirely certain that he would not meet the same fate as his brothers did. you know, all sorts of other problems within that family. this was not a plaster saint but looking at the story over all, you look at the way that an individual conquers these demons and look at the way ted kennedy did that. michael beschloss, nbc news presidential historian, with the last word for us and great thanks for it and your time tonight, sir. a pleasure, keith. be well. one final note which may summarize how senator edward moore kennedy sr. did what deand left the wake that he has left. it may come across as self-important. if it do