Osprey Observer
A virtual Turkey Trot 5K hosted by Waterset by Newland, a local community, over the 2020 Thanksgiving weekend raised over $18,000 in proceeds, which benefit three public schools near the community: Doby Elementary, Eisenhower Middle and East Bay High School.
Runners and residents participated in a virtual Turkey Trot 5K hosted by Waterset by Newland, a local community, over last year’s Thanksgiving weekend. The 2020 race raised over $18,000 in proceeds, which benefit three public schools near the community: Doby Elementary, Eisenhower Middle and East Bay High School.
Waterset is owned in a joint venture partnership between North America Sekisui House, LLC (NASH), the U.S. business unit and a subsidiary of Sekisui House, LTD., Japan’s largest homebuilder and leading diversified developer, and Newland, the master developer of the community.