Steering clear of these mistakes will save you a lot of regret once you reach retirement age. Saving for retirement is one of the most important aspects of managing your finances, and getting started can be as simple as signing up for your company’s 401(k) program. But while setting aside money to live on after you retire from work may seem straightforward, there are definitely still some mistakes you can make along the way. Some of those mistakes may have little to no effect on your overall sav
We asked some of our contributing financial experts what to do to cover emergencies, in addition to having an emergency fund. They give some great suggestions.
The moves you make could be the difference between a secure retirement and a major loss of financial safety. It’s not uncommon during periods of high market volatility to feel worried about the future and to consider making rash financial moves in order to safeguard your savings and investments. This can be especially true when it comes to your retirement savings, as this is the money you’ve set aside for living expenses once you’ve reached retirement age and are no longer working. The move you