RWTH is represented in acatech via five newly inducted researchers. A total of 39 members were recently inducted. acatech is the German National Academy of Science and Engineering and is funded by the federal and state governments as a national acade
The persistent one
The persistent one
At DLR in Cologne, Robert Pitz-Paal is researching a technology that is highly efficient but widely unknown: He is improving solar thermal power plants that can play a crucial role in the energy transition. Central to this is international cooperation.
The 35-degree heat must have been oppressive back then on his summer vacation in Andalusia, but student Robert Pitz-Paal didn t want to miss the trip by hitchhiking: He drove to a solar thermal power plant, after all, his doctoral thesis, which was soon to begin, was to revolve entirely around this topic. 1989 was that vacation, Robert Pitz-Paal says today and laughs, we finally arrived at the power plant on Friday afternoon, completely sweaty, and there was almost no one there anymore. Just come back on Monday, they told us.