More than 330 job seekers wandered from hiring booth to hiring booth during Thursday’s Recruit Military job fair at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Most had one thing in common they are members of the local military community looking for a new purpose after their service.
On today’s episode of The Confluence: Advocates argue that Mayor Ed Gainey’s budget proposal allocating funds from a parks tax to purchase trucks, tractors, and other vehicles isn’t the tax’s intended purpose; in a report from University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work, many Black families said they struggle to find a school environment that fulfills social needs and academically challenges their students; and a look at how the National Aviary is implementing special glass to protect birds in and outside of the building. Today’s guests include: Kiley Koscinski, city government reporter with WESA; Esther Mellinger Stief, executive director of the Crossroads Foundation, and Anthony Williams, head of school at The Neighborhood Academy; and Robert Mulvihill, ornithologist at The National Aviary.