A demand in the government do more to protect them from armed groups. So than 5000000 people in the australian city of melbourne going back into lockdown after a spike can cope with 19 infections the government has admitted its lost control of spreading infections and drastic action was needed to hold a spiraling situation for wednesday residents can only leave their homes for essential purposes for 6 weeks big toris state border with neighboring New South Wales is also closing. It is simply impossible with keiser right at this level to have enough context rising stuff to have enough physical resources no matter where they come from no matter what uniform i weigh in order to continue to suppress and can time this virus without taking significant steps if we were to file type steps then we wont be a couple of 100 cases paid by it will be many more than that and it will quickly spiral well and truly out of control for a straightaway to cumber a nuclear gage is standing by for us there ar
So 5000000 people in the city of melbourne again back into lockdown after a spike in cave in 1000 infections the government has admitted its lost control of spreading infections and drastic action was needed to hold the spiralling situation for wednesday residents can only leave their homes for essential purposes for 6 weeks pretoria state border with neighboring New South Wales is also closing. It is simply impossible with keiser right at this level to have enough context rising stars to have enough physical resources no matter where they come from no matter what uniform my way in order to continue to suppress and can time this virus without taking significant steps if we were to file to take those steps then we wont be a couple of 100 cases paradise it will be many more than that and it will quickly spiral well and truly out of control when i was there is no clear gauge says the state of victoria wasnt expected to coronavirus resurgence like this this really isnt the outcome the gove
Even Jeffrey Epstein saga im joined by my guest alex kristof r. O. In athens he is the director and writer for the dram dot com and in milwaukee we have jennifer a master she is an attorney and author of the new book about the lawn unveiled all right crossed out rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciated ok let me go it was going to milwaukee jennifer youve seen the indictments i mean there are 6 indictments 4 of them have to do with traffic 3 years like you for 99 and 2 perjury charges rounding proceedings in 2006 why do you think its these specific ones you think its because the fed the prosecution thinks they can get this a stake i mean its like iron clad slam dunk. Well one reason that i think these particular charges are he has we have a new federal law that extends the the statute of limitations for. Victims that are still alive and so of the victims that have come forward that have been involved in the litigation theyre still alive theyd be
Participating in acts of sexual abuse alongside Epstein Maxwell reportedly enticed female minors to travel to the deceased pedophiles residences and taught him how to sexually serve them go on as the daughter of british media mogul and suspected massage by Robert Maxwell who died of a reported heart attack an accidental drowning him death like geoffrey abstains death has been the subject of endless conspiracy theories jesse glenn has been on the lam for a long time but now shes finally in custody now she appears to have been the closest person to have seen and likely knows many of his secrets well you know it amazes me. Is that they captured her in the 1st place are really surprised truly that she was didnt end up dead before this you know that that something would come along that she would be deceased but apparently not and they have are in custody and this is going to cause some real real problems i think unless she ends up dead in prison just like Jeffrey Epstein did do you think th
In villages and sudan central darfor are demanding the government do more to protect them from troops. Plus thousands of International Students in the us risk of deportation if they university switch to online only courses due to the coronavirus. People simply go to school to news came to city to quarterback Patrick Mahoney signs a deal to give him the hardest valued contract in the history of professional sport. Now the Worlds Largest social Media Companies are reviewing their operations in hong kong after beijing imposed its new National Security law that now chinese short video up to talk has announced it will stop its operations altogether and the territory while zoom and linked in have joined a growing list of social media platforms including google and facebook who say they will now deny government requests. For user data now more details of that no have now been revealed police can conduct searches without a warrant stop suspects from leaving the city and intercept Online Commun