Mr. Schumer mr. President . The presiding officer the democratic leader. Mr. Schumer mr. President , are we in a quorum . No. The presiding officer we are not. Mr. Schumer mr. President , last night in california, an american was diagnosed with the first reported case of coronavirus unrelated to any travel to an infected area, a sign that coronavirus is here on our shores and we must act swiftly and strongly to contain its spread. Despite months of public warnings about the dangers of this disease, the president was caught completely flat footed by the coro that virus and rather than the resources to respond to the crisis, President Trump is intent on blaming everyone and everything instead of solving the problem. Instead of stepping up to the plate, hes belittling the urgency of this problem and telling people oh, its not very much. The experts say the opposite. As for blame, the president s the president is blaming the press for stoking concern about the virus. The president is blami
Quorum call a senator madam president . The presiding officer the senator from north carolina. Mr. Burr i ask unanimous consent to vitiate the quorum call and to initiate the presiding officer without objection. Mr. Burr and to initiate consideration of the 12 00 vote. Unanimous consent to start the 12 00 vote. Mr. Burr madam president , i ask for the yeas and nays. The presiding officer is there a sufficient second . There appears to be. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote the presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or wishing to change their vote . Seeing none, the yeas are 68. The nays are 21. And the nomination is confirmed. A senator madam president. The presiding officer the senator from texas. Order in the chamber, please. The senate will be in order. The senate will be in order. Please take your conversations out of the chamber. The senator from texas. Mr. Cornyn madam president , i ask unanimous consent that the lydon nomination, calend
Tonight we are here, gathered here this evening and i view this really as the intersection of history and the future. What do i mean by that . The intersection of history and the future . We are in Lincoln Theater in this theater. This was the only place where black folks could calm and be entertained in the theater because they couldnt go downtown. They would come right here. This theater was nearly demolished by a wrecking bull, almost torn down but we saved it renovated it and its now one of the jewels of the city of columbus. History tonight. [applause] and the intersection of our future of arts and culture in the black community, the rehabilitation that rejuvenation, the recreation of this Lincoln District in the process. History in the future, the intersection. Wil haygood who was raised in columbus, went to east high school, played basketball. Everything he learned in life he learned it here in the city of columbus. [applause] his values, his skill, his inspiration and in fact h
Nonlawyer could be designated as an arbiter and the contract would specify how the arbiters decided. Let me give you an example of the Supreme Court called circuit city versus adams. Do you remember circuit city . Adams applied for a job there. On the back of his application in small print that said if he had any dispute was circuit city he would have to go to an arbiter and couldnt go to court. Who reads all the small print in an application for a job . A few years later after working at circuit city he had a discrimination claim against circuit city and he sued them in california state courtbased on california law. The United States Supreme Court ruled 54 no. He edited the contract was circuit city because on the back of his application is set up a good arbitration. So whether its an Employment Contract or a consumer contract or medical contract if people agreed to give up their right to good go to court and go to private arbiter instead they are then bound to do that. Arbiters decis
Who wanted to go to law school, African Americans who wanted to go to law school. I was a part of that generation. We looked up looked up to him, believed in him, inspired by him, that i to someday could go to law school and i to could someday become a lawyer. There is a whole generation of people just like me who have gone on to do that because of the bravery and courage of Thurgood Marshall. So tonight, we are here, gathered here this evening, and i view this really as the intersection of history and the future. What do i mean by that . At the intersection of history and the future . We are in lincoln theatre, in this theater, this was the only place that black folks could come and get in or tamed in a they couldnt go downtown. They will come right here. In this theater was nearly demolished, a wrecking ball, almost torn down. We saved it, renovated it, it is now one of the jewels of the city of columbus. History tonight. [applause]. The intersection of our future of arts and culture