Since English choral music started in medieval monastic communities, evolving as monks observed their religious duties, the art form has expanded to include a gloriously rich, expansive and ongoing l.
Published July 25. 2021 12:01AM
“For more than nine years, DREAMers have watched courts and politicians debate whether they’ll be allowed to stay in the only country many of them have ever known. It’s long past time for Congress to act and give them the protection and certainty they deserve,” said former President Barack Obama to ABC News.
Obama is correct: It is time to provide relief to longtime undocumented residents. I propose protecting those who have been here since at least June 15, 2007 (the DACA entry date).
The best, simplest, approach is for Congress to make a small fix to section 249(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act by replacing the embedded, obsolete Reagan-era entry date “January 1, 1972” therein with June 15, 2007. This path to lawful permanent residence could be quickly passed on a tiny stand-alone bill.
Join The Connecticut River Museum Tuesday evenings this spring for CRM Talks, a Virtual Speaker Series. Presentations run from 6 - 7 p.m. via Zoom and focus on the history and environment of the Connecticut River and its Valley. (Karena Garrity)
ESSEX, CT The Connecticut River Museum (CMR) put out a press release, How Did We Clean Up Our Rivers?
Join The Connecticut River Museum Tuesday evenings this spring for CRM Talks, a Virtual Speaker Series. Presentations run from 6 - 7 p.m. via Zoom and focus on the history and environment of the Connecticut River and its Valley. The cost to attend is $5.00 for CRM members and $10.00 for guests.