It had taken me my entire adult life and required traveling 4,500 miles around the world, but halfway up a frozen waterfall in Norway, I could cross something off the bucket list: I was finally in Conrad Anker’s pants.
I was also in Steve Swenson’s gloves… The French Ace Mathieu Maynadier’s jacket. And German ice-wizard Matthias Scherer’s sunglasses.
Matthias Scherer on
Flågbekken. Photo: Heike Schmitt.
While the gravity of the coronavirus pandemic was beginning to dawn on much of the world back in early March 2020 the frenzy of buying essentials like skim milk and toilet paper in unreasonable qualities was still weeks away my main concern at that moment was that Lufthansa had lost my luggage during my four-flight marathon travel day to the Arctic Ice Festival here in the small village of Tennevel, in Troms, Norway. I was going to be here for nine days and, stranded without my personal gear, the Petzl athletes had taken pity on me and kitted me out as best they could.
sneaks up under her sweat shirt. i don t know if this is true. i don t know this is true, but it probably is true. jesse: you are a newscaster. did you hear that quote? greg: that will be the name of my next show. doesn t have to be true with greg gutfeld. kimberly guilfoyle? kimberly: i will be filling in for my friend sean hannity. charlie kirk, we ve got david webb, robert jasper, and also i think it s going to be adventist show. i know so. it s also time now for kimberly you had a miss mishap with the crown, but we will fix it. love is in the air because it might be actually time for another royal wedding on the horizon here. a lot of speculation about prince harry and megan markel.