Interpreted. Our agendas are available in large print. Ask staff for additional assistance. To prevent electronic interferes with the sound system, please silence all mobile phones. The Mayors Disability Council Public Meetings are generally held on the third friday of every other month. Please call the Mayors Office on disability for further information or to request aecom accommodations at 14155546789, or by email at mod sfgov. Org. Our next regular meeting will be on friday, february 21, 2020. 1 to 4 p. M. In this hearing room. Im not sure that was actually accurate. It says every other we have changed our meeting schedule so that we are now meeting nine months out of the year. So what i just read is fake news. [laughter]. We are meeting pretty much monthly. The months that we are not meeting are heather, help me out here july, december. Its the months the off months are december, june and august. Thank you, nicole. Okay, id like to read the action item. It is an action item. Im goi
We will begin with. Microphone . Can you hear me . Can you hear me back there . Good. Good afternoon, welcome to the Mayors Disability Council this friday, january 17, 2020 in room 400 of San Francisco city hall. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs. Assisted listening devices are available and our meeting is open captioned and sign language interpreted. Our agendas are available in large print. Ask staff for additional assistance. To prevent electronic interferes with the sound system, please silence all mobile phones. The Mayors Disability Council Public Meetings are generally held on the third friday of every other month. Please call the Mayors Office on disability for further information or to request aecom accommodations at 14155546789, or by email at mod sfgov. Org. Our next regular meeting will be on friday, february 21, 2020. 1 to 4 p. M. In this hearing room. Im not sure that was actually accurate. It says every other we have changed our meeting schedule so tha
He is the governor of iowa. He said dont say bad about china. So i had to rip up about half of my speech, right . I said why . We do a lot of business. Etf been dealing with china for 35 years with corn and all the Different Things and he told me a story that is amazing. 35 years ago when i started, i met a man named xi. He wasnt president then. He was a young man. The governor came back and he told his wife and it is documented, i just met the future president of china and nobody thought much about it. And you know what . 28 years later, you turned out to be right, you have been an incredible ambassador and they like each other so much. When it came time to pick the important position of ambassador, i said havent you had enough of 24 years being governor of iowa . He said if you want me to do that. Thank you very much, ambassador. I appreciate it. Another great job. [applause] nobody could have done that job better. Man i could go on the opposite side of the spectrum from the governor
Established in just seven months. Dismantle ices physical cal fate. And we continue to help the region recover with that menace. To re also bringing peace es yemen. We are organize the brain workshop in june to bring together government, private sack tors to help improve the lives of the palestinians. Protecting religious minority noss the middle east was the center piece of that event. And most recently the United States created shipping in the strait of hormuz. We look other nations to join this mission to protect freedom of the seas. These are the kinds of multilateral efforts the university supports. Theyre effective. This council should be working to uphold. But now is our opportunity to do more. Just look at the challenges facing the region. Conflict in libya still rages. More than five and a half Syrian Refugees and nearly six million displaced syrians have yet no go home buzz of the continued violence. The g. C. C. Ripped is not fully healed. Many countries fail to honor their
Eastern this morning. Join the discussion. Washingto continues. Host 441 days to go until election 2020. We are joined now by David Wasserman, the house editor of Cook Political Report. Lets start with what the Playing Field looks like right now. How many seats the republicans need to take back to regain control of the house and how many seats you think are in play this cycle. Heres the basic math theres 235 democrats in the house, 197 republicans, one independent who left the Republican Party and theres two republican vacancies, one in north carolina. We expect one of them will stay in republican hands. The other will be very competitive, the ninth district. Depending on the results of that special, republicans could need to pick up 19 or 20 seats to retake the majority in 2020. Host when it comes to the house map, we saw the house flip in 2018. What is the likelihood or how often hasnt happened in history that the house has flipped in one election and then flipped back the following