Laura Pugliese, ·
7:53 pm
Rhode Island’s three-week pause is officially over and that means casinos can now open back up.
Twin River re-opened the doors of both of their locations in Lincoln and Tiverton for the first time Monday morning.
Janice and Robert Deroy were itching to get back inside. They said they were prepared to lose some money, but most importantly, have some fun.
“I’m happy it’s open because I have nothing else to do with my time!” Janice Deroy said.
The Deroy’s said they weren’t nervous about returning back to the casino even as Rhode Island’s COVID numbers still rank among the top in the nation.
December 21, 2020 1:27 pm
LINCOLN, R.I. (WLNE) – Rhode Island’s three-week pause is officially over and that means casinos can now open back up.
Twin River re-opened the doors of both of their locations in Lincoln and Tiverton for the first time Monday morning.
Janice and Robert Deroy were itching to get back inside. They said they were prepared to lose some money, but most importantly, have some fun.
“I’m happy it’s open because I have nothing else to do with my time!” Janice Deroy said.
The Deroy’s said they weren’t nervous about returning back to the casino even as Rhode Island’s COVID numbers still rank among the top in the nation.