and was even in license to kill and now robert davi making a tribute to the legendary frank sinatra. it is called davi sings sinatra on the road to romance. he has been with us all night. why the love of sinatra? he was nothing special, just a guy who sang songs. i did my first movie with him. an italian-american, parents and grand parents, italian immigrants and that italian household there were two figures, the pope and sinatra and not necessarily in that order. you grow up listening to that wonderful voice and cawusoe and opera, and that was my i studied opera in florence. i study currently with a guy that is the best in the world. he teaches from b t.o. celli to to bo chielly to you name. it i wanted to do this music
robert, have you been to any of the occupy protests? no, i have not. then never mind. what do you make of them though? are they fun? actually they were quite interesting. they served lates and they had cinnamon buns. right now we are in a very difficult time in this country. i don t know how we pull it altogether. i remember when martin luther king died and i was a young boy and i was watching the funeral on television. there was a rickety cart pulled by two mules and in it was the body of martin luther king who represented the total tee of the human struggle. and there were people peacefully marching at his funeral. at that moment i thought, here we are. either we are going to pull it apart or pull it together. we need to find a way to unify these factions peacefully to
i will say alleged. you let your eyes be the judge. is there anybody else you would like to out while we are at it? just me. look at that bad boy right there. i would recommend this to george. you snap it on and it stays on like that. i love the way you think you can just say, oh, throw an alleged on that. it is like being a politico and you can have all of these anonymous sources. actually herman cain told me. robert you had a great line. you said after the martin luther king, junior funeral you said, is the country going to pull it apart or pull it together ? have you ever thought of a career in writing or acting? i might after tonight. i thought that was great. i wanted to ask you, robert, do you think sexual harassment is different in hollywood than in the rest of the country?
and was even in license to kill and now robert davi making a tribute to the legendary frank sinatra. it is called davi sings sinatra on the road to romance. he has been with us all night. why the love of sinatra? he was nothing special, just a guy who sang songs. i did my first movie with him. an italian-american, parents and grand parents, italian immigrants and that italian household there were two figures, the pope and sinatra and not necessarily in that order. you grow up listening to that wonderful voice and cawusoe and opera, and that was my i studied opera in florence. i study currently with a guy that is the best in the world. he teaches from b t.o. celli to to bo chielly to you name. it i wanted to do this music
about the firebombing of a french magazine? well, since we are doing that story, i hope we have something worth talk bsmght andy? appreciated you filling in the way you did. thank you so much. let s welcome our guests. i am here with news max columnist jedediah bila and she is the author of outnumbered which i believe is a math textbook. and robert davi, his single came out. bill schulz is here, even though we asked him not to be. and sitting next to me is charles payne. his brother is a police detective who wages a one-man gidgee plan tee against crime. he is always left so he is night right. hi, pinch. according to the thursday style section, soho shopping district is hot once again. for you nonnatives, soho is south of house ton just as lolita is north of little italy and try beck caw is