The County Registrar of Voters has released the “Final Official List of Candidates” that will appear on the November 8 General Election Ballot. The list
Juvenile fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by a chronic pain affecting the whole body. It also causes fatigue as well as sleep and mood disorders.
Juvenile fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by a chronic pain affecting the whole body. It also causes fatigue as well as sleep and mood disorders.
Bless our moms and our teachers
Randy Riley - Contributing columnist
Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week. It was a good time to reflect back on the many people in our lives who taught us and guided us in our development. It’salways good that we take time to do that.
In the first grade, my education officially transferred from my Mother to my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Durr.
Twelve years later, in the mid-60s, Mrs. Carson taught me in her college prep English course at Germantown High School. Her first name was Mildred, but no one dared call her that to her face. It wasn’t that we were afraid of her; we respected her. When her class was in session, she ruled it.