DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Franco Center is putting together a spooky guided walk through our creepy crypt. We’re looking for community volunteers who love Halloween and want to be part of this event. We hope to have costumed actors to play various characters during this fun event. We’re also looking for Halloween props that people no longer have […]
Review: The Armed Man - an ambitious project for Whanganui
3 May, 2021 04:00 PM
4 minutes to read
Whanganui choirs and Brass Whanganui rehearsing for the Anzac Day concert. Photo / File
Wanganui Midweek
I would never have believed that when I moved back to New Zealand I would be sitting in a concert of The Armed Man by the Welsh composer Karl Jenkins in my home town of Whanganui.
Just like the remarkable fact of seeing Bill Bailey here just a few weeks back, this place continues to punch well above its size. Unlike the latter, this concert was a case of local talent and ambition wonderfully on display and how appropriate that this was arranged to be part of the Anzac Day commemorations.