The AIoT platform, for which the price was yet to be revealed, can be used for real-time energy monitoring in retail, residential, mobility, healthcare, agriculture and commercial spaces.It p
The AIoT platform, for which the price was yet to be revealed, can be used for real-time energy monitoring in retail, residential, mobility, healthcare, agriculture and commercial spaces.It p
The AIoT platform, for which the price was yet to be revealed, can be used for real-time energy monitoring in retail, residential, mobility, healthcare, agriculture and commercial spaces.It p
The AIoT platform, for which the price was yet to be revealed, can be used for real-time energy monitoring in retail, residential, mobility, healthcare, agriculture and commercial spaces.It p
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI) unveiled the new Phantom Edge – an AIoT platform, which combines the power of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things to provide real-time view of electrical energy consumption, operating usage, electrical parameters, and appliance-level information.