Redacted emails and files concerning people who have petitioned to have their rights restored show some criteria that the state considered — such as parole and court fines — but it’s unclear if those are requirements for petitioners.
"We are frustrated and concerned because we feel that disenfranchisement of voting rights is at stake here," said Robert Barnette, the president of the Virginia NAACP.
After receiving some information on how rights are restored to formerly incarcerated people, the Virginia conference of the NAACP has identified additional documents it alleges should have been produced — and the organization is preparing to go to court to seek them.
The data shows that Black and Hispanic Drivers make up only 28% of Virginia's driving-age population, but make up over 40% of drivers stopped by police. In comparison, White drivers make up 64% of the driving-age population, but account for only 57% of stops.