photo by Jeanne Lemlin To be crucified is to suffer and die slowly and agonizingly. It was a common form of execution in the ancient world. It is generally associated with Rome’s killing of Jesus and carries profound symbolic spiritual meaning for Christians. In its figurative sense, it refers to many types of suffering and
The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus By Edward Curtin, May 02, 2024 There is a reason the 19th century America industrialists such as Vanderbilt, Mellon, Carnegie, Rockefeller, et al. were called “The Robber Barons.” They were crooks. They are still with us, of course, aided and abetted by today’s latest billionaire class. It’s Time to Reclaim America. The Brutality Against Our Youth By Karin
We live in a day and age where the visual impact of man-made climate change is becoming very apparent, and the data supporting it has been undeniable and reproducible for