bar was an honesndt living. and i ll bet she wouldn t make excuses for somebody if they busteex d in, robbed w her place. meanwhile, we re paying for a war. a thnd milesa thousand miles awm but don t bring that up,ea. because that s mea n. the in the old days, you could write the left, especially where the loudest, but not any more. they make genghis khan look like a pacifist. look, it s just nicer to let hundreds of thousands of ukrainians hundr in a proxy war they can t win. and what about your kidt ? he s only six, but he s confused. last year, he wanted to be last yr, but there were no activists interested in that. but noat. w it s all about gender, and that s easy. it would be mean not b to let hn explore the alternatives, like like, ation,mationat affirmation. doesn t that sound nice does he said. rolls right off the tongue. unlike mutilatiounliken, that st mean. so trust the activistsso suc slash teacher because they ve made such a success of their livea livess. jus