weakening and weather across the northeast and travel delays as the front moves through. the next system pushes into the rockies bringing snow over the elevation, the higher elevations and much colderrary, take a look at current temperatures, ahead of the front still warmer across much eastern third of the country. behind it is where we are seeing the colder air. current windchill minus 2. you can see the colder feel, feel the colder air moving in and there s the system moving bringing a foot or snow of snow across highest of elevations. next storm from the pacific as well. active weather pattern as we get into this week. thank you. rob: okay, janice, thank you so much. three dolphins players kneeling and coach banded last month, why did did the rule change right
america s uranium reserves. that sale now under investigation to determine if the clinton foundation received gifts and money from the russians and the owner of uranium one. jackie: another news for the first time in 40 years, an american woman wins the new york city marathon. she comes to the line, breaks the tape, the joy evident. jackie: olympic medalist, two hours and 26 minutes, 26-year-old from oregon breaking down in tears when she crossed the finished line before wrapping herself in the american flag. the run with heavy police presence after terrorist attack in downtown that killed 8 people. rob: president trump set to discuss north korea with russian president vladimir putin. our next guest.
impacted. we are going to try and do our best and comfort and minister how we can. we lost great friends today and had great friends injured. this is now the eighth place of worship shooting since 1990, 1999, unfortunately it does appear to be the worst church attack in u.s. history. rob and jackie. rob: search for a motive in this intensifies. jackie: here with the lathest on the investigation is fox news contributor and former dc police detective, ted williams, ted, this is such a difficult story because it s such a soft target. there are victims as young as 5 year s old all the way to 72, a pregnant woman shot dead, the pastor s 14-year-old daughter. what does this say about
jackie: roger goodell and league owners among those to be deposed. their statements may not even matter. she joins us live to explain why. rob: and the little ring bearer stealing the show after failing to do the job.
appreciate it. appreciate it. jackie: 20 minutes after the top of the hour, chelsea handler to lead the resistance, now blaming the church massacre on republicans. rob: online backlash of this story and carley shimkus is going to have it after the break . elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. the ibm cloud is the cloud for business. yours.