what was it about that relationship? what was it about him that you liked so much, that was so good? we just connected instantly. by the time rob and candy moved to idaho they had been together for years. had two teenage daughters. rob landed an excellent job as a computer specialist at ada county sheriffs office, locating vehicle locators inside squad cars. he loved every minute of his job. and as if it was a sign this is where they belonged, candy s career as a paralegal took off, too. she was a natural. could and did sell her houses and skills to anybody who walked in the door. it didn t hurt that she was pretty. no, it didn t. and her co-workers idolized candy. you became close?
who of course was also in a pick up truck with her lover emmett. here you can see rob leaving the store, looking at candy is parked bmw than strangely getting to his pick up, pulling, out and three parking on the other side of candies car. curiously, his door now just out of range of the store surveillance camera. this is why he made that phone call, the one in which candy confessed she had been with her boss and he said to rob what s up chief? and here was emits truck speeding through the parking lot. still time to stop this. if wiser heads have been in charge. but they weren t. nothing lies about what s coming. i see robbyn his truck and he has just this look on his face like oh man, and i get out of the truck. then emmett gets out. and rob gets out. walks over to us. this is just the sort of moment in which a person might have wanted to cool a heated atmosphere. control the
i think he waited until there were no eyewitnesses and he executed emmett corrigan. a neat and tidy theory, agreed the defense. but completely wrong. this fight was started by emmett corrigan. rob was a nice guy said the defense and it was emmett who was out of control, emmett who kept amphetamines and steroids in his pickup truck. drugs with serious side effects said experts. he had hyperability, as well as impulsiveness and an explosive temper. what really happened? rob didn t testify. a doctor backed his claim because of his head wound he simply couldn t
remember. so the defense offered a theory that emmett started the fire. then the gun fell on the ground. emmett grabbed it, shot rob in the pause rob grabbed ahold and fired back in self defence. and the courtroom came to a halt. every head turned when a star witness took the stand to support that theory. would you please state and spell your name for the record? candy hall. candy, who repeated the story on the stand, that she told us of emmett pushing rob. emmett becoming enraged of hearing the two men scuffle as she walked away before she heard, but did not see, the shooting. the only problem, she told the police a very different story the night it happened. you told detective miller that night you did not see or hear a physical altercation, isn t that right? i don t know. i don t remember. in fact, candy changed her story about so many things, all helpful to rob s case. i m trying to clarify that your story has changed after
what did he say? he was angry, candy, what is this? and i said, i don t know. so he calls emmett. rob goes why are you texting my wife at this time of night? emmett s answer? two minutes later he showed up at rob s house, they talked like duelling lovers out on the sidewalk and rob came back inside. rob tossed my phone up on our bed and he said, you win. i can t compete. he s young, he s a good looking guy. he s an attorney, you make him a lot of money. what good am i? and he was just devastated. now you got yourself a pretty complicated life at this stage? yeah. of course, by february of 2011, emmett s life was