chairman johnson and i have proposed a piece of legislation that would bring in some of the essential ethics, and recusal, and transparency requirements that we need. this is a triple whammy of a problem for the court. the first is the leak of the hobby lobby decision i have time. to mr. schenck. whoever he got it he clearly knew in advance the outcome of that decision. second is the campaign behind it. $30 million spent to wine and dine, and influence justices, which the court doesn t seem to be a problem. doesn t seem to be a problem at all. and then the third piece is the courts apparent complete inability to exercise any authority to look at itself. at that is probably the old problem that they simply don t have a process, or procedure, for looking at their own ethics
Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad: Nov. 23 The Washington Post on regaining trust in the ethics of the U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court counsel's weak defense of Justice Samuel Alito in the wake of an allegation that his Hobby Lobby opinion was leaked in 2014 proves the court can't police itself.