elise jordan. good to have you all on board. joe, a lot going on. kind of all over the map this morning. yeah, all over the map this morning of course, a lot of the news last night about new york s democratic attorney general. a story comes out in the new yorker and a couple of hours later, the democratic party forces him to resign. unanimously. it really is what a bizarre world we live in that donald trump is accused of sexually harassing dozens of women and admits he sexually assaults women on tape and yet people like mike pence talk about what a great christian he is and how he loves starting meetings with a prayer. it s strange that the party of mike pence is fine with, with people like donald trump. and you have the party of nancy pelosi and hollywood, all of those godless types according to
blankenship responding to president trump s call for his defeat in today s republican u.s. senate primary. joining us now, national political correspondent for nbc news and msnbc steve kornacki. editor in chief of axios, nicholas johnston and political reporter for nbc news and msnbc, alex us. the story that s emerging in the last couple of days is in west virginia. it s the late momentum that blankenship has in this race. a three-way race, when you look at the public polling, it looked like he had faded back to third place, ten days ago. it looked like the effort from the republican establishment to suppress him was working. what s happened since then? he s dominated the coverage the last week of the race. he had a stylistically well received debate performance that got him some attention. the comments about cocaine mitch, the comments about his
and again, a lot of people a lot smarter than i am, when it comes to these sort of matters are saying that this actually may be an existential threat to the president of the united states. and putting rudy giuliani in there, a man who can t keep his story straight, when you re already in that sort of legal jeopardy, why i just, it s like putting pat paulson in as your attorney general instead of john mitchell in 1973, how do you like that reference, meachum? it s very good. we could do a. mitchell palmer later. we could play attorney general jeopardy. i m not a lawyer, you are. but i have a sense that it s never a good day when your lawyer has his office raided by special counsel who used to run the fbi. i m just a simple country guy. but i just don t think that s actually a good thing to happen. i think this is what rumsfeld used to call a known unknown.
details of this story is is the one that in many cases these women went to they told their friends about the violence that opinion perpetrated against them and they were told, well, not only is he a big deal but he s also important to democratic politics, he s a star of democratic politics so don t do this. do we have a sense of who those people are? are they politicians? are they democrats we may have heard of? did this come from a message of the party? i think it came from a number of democrats in the past and what happened was that particular woman, this was back may almost a decade ago. when she tried to make waves about this, people said be quiet, he s too important, too valuable as a politician. but now with the change in it s a new day with the me too movement and the rob porter story and the democrat party is there s a zero tolerance policy i think now. we haven t seen the same thing
father spent his entire life dedicated to. pushing back against the spread of communism. the most evil ideology in the history of mankind. responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people who lived under communism. that entire post-war world was started by a has beberdasher ou independence, missouri, named harry s. truman. talk about the soul of america what an extraordinary story. as we look back, coming up next, we will look forward as the future of the iran deal is in question. admiral james tstaff reads will join us next. (burke) at farmers, we ve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. even close claws. (driver) so, we took your shortcut, which was a bad idea.