Background This report offers a review of recent significant acquisitions by the Library and of collecting activities. It does not describe the large volume of acquisitions of both Australian and overseas materials that are routinely acquired through deposit, purchase or donation.
The figures mark a turning point in a city that had "somewhere north of 40,000" dilapidated homes to demolish as of 2014, said Tammy Daniels, the land bank's CEO.
A description of the minimum requirements for acknowledging the Library as custodian of a rare or unique collection item and constructing a citation. Examples of correct citations are provided.
Over the past two years, thousands of once-vacant Detroit homes have quietly been rehabbed and reoccupied, reducing blight and increasing investment in residential property citywide.Data from the U.S. Postal Service shows that more than 9,000 Detroit residences that were vacant in January 2020 are…