lighter stuff, mr. clinton talked about the universe and whether or not we re alone. if we were visited, some day i wouldn t be surprised. i just hope that it s not like independence day. you and bill o reilly would be hiding in a bunker together. every mean thing he ever said about me, i don t care, look at that. he s so funny. he said toronto mayor rob ford has, quote, destroyed all stereotypes about canadians. he didn t comment whether his wife would run for president in 2016 but did say he would not run for vice president. it is fun to see any president on the late night shows. but he looks really good. looks good. rested, trim and buff. he is doing the vegan thing. he said he enjoys being a vegan, but did say he misses cheese. and jimmy asked, did he miss being president more than he missed cheese. let s talk about wedding
would come clean like rob ford has. you don t have to be a regular crack user to look at that and say boy, this is a this let s cast light on judgment issues, right? like you say, it s fair enough people have friday night after a long week want to blow off steam and knock back a few scotches, but most people i know don t go smoke some crack. that must worry you. yeah, no, i agree. yeah, no, you know something, bill? we keep, you know, whipping the horse here and coakeep talking about it. again, he s getting support and we re going to move forward on this and he has to change his lifestyle, which he s doing. let me ask you about this tv show. i mean, you re encouraging him to take some time off. do you think it s a good idea for you guys to sign a tv show contract right around now? well, let me well, let me just confirm, we didn t sign any
fitted to lead. well, you know, again, bill, that s going to be up to the people to decide, not the politicians, not the media but the people. again, that s why we have elections. if your brother had gone away for a few weeks, a month, rehab, sought some help, came back, this wouldn t be an issue. he probably would win the next election by a land slide. why is there such a resistance in your family for him to talk to somebody, people that care about him just to make sure he doesn t have a substance problem? well, you know, something, again, bill, i think we have a good team of health care professionals dealing with that right now, and again, i want to emphasize something, bill, that rob is not a crack user. he doesn t drink every single night. he s admitted to his faults, and i just wish other politicians would come clean like rob ford has. you don t have to be a regular crack user to look at
politicians, not the media but the people. again, that s why we have elections. if your brother had gone away for a few weeks, a month, rehab, sought some help, came back, this wouldn t be an issue. he probably would win the next election by a land slide. why is there such a resistance in your family for him to talk to somebody, people that care about him just to make sure he doesn t have a substance problem? well, you know, something, again, bill, i think we have a good team of health care professionals dealing with that right now, and again, i want to emphasize something, bill, that rob is not a crack user. he doesn t drink every single night. he s admitted to his faults, and i just wish other politicians would come clean like rob ford has. you don t have to be a regular crack user to look at that and say boy, this is a this let s cast light on judgment issues, right?