and joining me now from charlotte is former north carolina governor pat mcquiry. thanks for being on the show tonight. this obviously a state you have given so much of your life to serve. what does the damage look like on the ground, and what would you say to residents about whether it s going to get worse before it gets better? in some areas it s going to get worse. in areas you have water issues of life and death. over 28 people two years ago to next month died due to drowning in their cars. and because we have so many of road wash outs right now the big danger is people will drive through the barricades or the roads will actually collapse. that s a major issue from ashville all the way down to wilmington all the way down to new bern. the area is just an unbelievable challenge involving
who was held for months there in mexico. he had a very similar story, much worse story in many ways. i remember that. very vaguely. he was there for how long? four months. shawn hammer, just out of afghanistan. he was going with a buddy down to, you know, surf, basically. he had a winnebago and his grandfath grandfather s shotgun, had a permit for it, crosses the line and gets arrested. spent four months chained to his bed in mexico. he has a real warn for people crossing into mexico. interesting to keep track of the weather today as the day goes on, as things maybe heat up. yep. look, we re not expecting terrible weather today, but there s going to be a lot of clean of up and that death toll has gone from seven to nine this morning. we re watch that. the other problem with this weather is rain. we ve seen that road wash outs. and a lot of danger out there getting electricity back on as it heats up as well for the elderly and infirmed, it s tough