By Jaryn Vecchio
Photo taken by Harvard Broadcasting staff
A large number of the community is expressing their desire to keep class sizes small in the Fort McMurray Public School Division.
That’s according to a survey conducted by the FMPSD where residents could share their thoughts on what the division should focus their attention on in the 2021-22 budget.
Over 2,400 individuals took part, more than half being parents and guardians, with around 1,700 opinions being provided.
These thoughts were also rated with the top three each expressing concerns about larger class sizes.
Classroom and specialized supports, as well as mental health, rounded out the top priorities raised through the survey.
By Jaryn Vecchio
Mar 9, 2021 5:58 PM
For the first time in a couple of years, Keyano College is receiving a passing grade for its financial reporting.
That’s according to the Auditor General’s annual report card on post-secondary institutions’ financial statements.
From 2018 to 2019, Keyano was the only school in the province that needed significant improvement on the accuracy and timeliness of their financial reports. It did receive a passing grade for accuracy in 2019.
However, they received high marks for its 2020 reporting.
“We have made significant improvements over the past two years addressing legacy reporting issues and enhancing our financial reporting systems and processes,” said Dale Mountain, Interim President & CEO.
By Jaryn Vecchio
Mar 9, 2021 7:45 PM
A large lineup at the Registration Centre at the Oil Sands Discovery Centre // Photo supplied by Sky Seidel
The municipality is hoping to have a grant program up and running for Draper property owners in the near future.
Wood Buffalo council met on Tuesday where they were given an update on work in the area, Ptarmigan Court, and ahead of this year’s river breakup.
Through the program, property owners would receive funds to help them protect their lots from future flooding. The main use would help raise properties to the 251 metre mark.
Discussions have been ongoing since late last year on the program, however, the RMWB has been waiting for the results of a land survey down which recently just finished.
More Albertans are able to book vaccination appointments.
Those who are born in 1957 can set up a time on AHS’s online booking tool or by calling Health Link to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine.
First Nation, Inuit, and Metis People who are born in 1972 can also book an appointment but must do so by calling 811.
Pending vaccine supply, those born in 1958 to 1971 will be able to book in the coming days one year at a time.
Meanwhile, people who are older, have chronic health conditions, or live in specific locations like supportive living facilities will continue to receive the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.