By Jaryn Vecchio
Jan 14, 2021 4:25 PM
Sheila Mondragon and Robbie Shields, with AHS Supply Management, accepting the first delivery of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in Calgary // Photo supplied by GoA
A local healthcare worker who’s received the COVID-19 vaccine is sharing her experience in hopes of raising the public’s trust.
Katelyn, who asked for her last name to be left out, is a registered nurse in the ER department at the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre.
Her entire team is among the over 65,000 in the province to receive the first of their two shots.
She tells Mix News she felt a big sense of relief after months of waiting for the vaccine.
By Steph Seidel
Photo via Jon Tupper
The Northern Lights Health Foundation is receiving a big donation thanks to a Christmas Light display.
The Lights at Royal Garden, a light show set up by the Tupper family at their house in Thickwood, put on their annual elaborate show every night over the holiday season.
The display collected $9,794 in support of the NLHF.
Over 15,000 residents took in the show, which is free for all to view but donations were accepted for charity.
“The generosity of this community never ceases to amaze me,” said Jon Tupper, co-creator of the Lights at Royal Garden.