Shah Rukh Khan's return to the big screen, after nearly four years, received a rousing reception from his fans. “Pathaan” has already become a box-office hit since its release. So much so, that fans are already hoping for a sequel to the film.
Pathaan trailer out: Shah Rukh Khan looks fully ready to take on terrorists for the safety of India. The newly released trailer highlights some epic death-defying stunts, aerial sequences and an eye-catching scene of Deepika in a blonde wig.
Shah Rukh Khan to promote 'Pathaan' at World Cup finals: It seems like Shah Rukh Khan has a lot of surprise packed in for his upcoming film, “Pathaan”. Its first song, "Besharam Rang", has already created a lot of buzz. If rumours turn out to be true, then the superstar will be promoting “Pathaan” at the FIFA World Cup 2022 finals in Qatar.