Master Gardeners Cindy Nelsen of Yankton and Kathy Jorgensen of Gayville were recently named as recipients of the Gold Star Award administered by the South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension
The annual tour of lawns and gardens sponsored by Yankton’s Missouri Valley Master Gardeners (MVMG) is scheduled for Saturday, July 8, from 8 a.m.-noon.
On Saturday, Jan. 2, Yankton Boy Scout Troop #133, will be conducting the monthly scrap newspaper and aluminum can collections. Troop 133 does not accept plastic or tin cans, so you are asked not to leave these items for pick up.
Papers and cans will be picked up at the trailer courts and apartment complexes in Yankton. Also, paper and cans will be picked up at Riverside Acres. Have your newspaper and cans secured in sacks or small cardboard boxes and ready to be picked up by 9 a.m.
Paper and cans may also be brought to Riverview Reformed Church parking lot, 1700 Burleigh, between 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the day of the collection. Remember, the paper shed is located on the SOUTHEAST corner of the parking lot.