T-R PHOTOS BY LANA BRADSTREAM Riverside Cemetery General Manager Dorie Tammen sits in front of a small pile of letters already received since she kicked off a letter-writing campaign on Saturday. If she can prove Marshalltown considers Riverside more than just a cemetery, there is a chance to appeal a decision FEMA made to deny them derecho-related funding.
There might be a chance Riverside Cemetery could get some help from FEMA for paying for derecho-related damages.
Riverside Cemetery General Manager Dorie Tammen received a letter at the end of March from FEMA, informing her there would be no funds coming. After the Times-Republican covered the denial on Thursday, she received a call from the Iowa Homeland Security office, explaining why the cemetery was denied funding. She said he told her there might be a chance to appeal and reverse the decision if Riverside could prove the value of the historical location as something more than just a cemet