An EF0 tornado ripped the roofs off at least two historic buildings downtown and caused a brief shower of bricks and other debris in a roughly three-block area.
HEUVELTON — When Mayor Barbara Lashua glances down the Heuvelton’s main street she recalls the not-so-distant past when the area was riddled by vacant businesses.
Five Vegan-friendly restaurants in East Lancashire Taking part in Veganuary this year? This campaign challenges members of the public to adopt a vegan lifestyle for the first month of the year. If you are taking part in this challenge, it doesn’t mean you have to live off a diet of water and vegetables. You can still enjoy some tasty food, as many restaurants are vegan-friendly have offer a variety of plant-based options. Best of all, each one of these places is operating a takeaway and delivery service during the pandemic. Here are five of the best vegan-friendly places to order from in East Lancashire:
Five Vegan-friendly restaurants in East Lancashire Taking part in Veganuary this year? This campaign challenges members of the public to adopt a vegan lifestyle for the first month of the year. If you are taking part in this challenge, it doesn’t mean you have to live off a diet of water and vegetables. You can still enjoy some tasty food, as many restaurants are vegan-friendly have offer a variety of plant-based options. Best of all, each one of these places is operating a takeaway and delivery service during the pandemic. Here are five of the best vegan-friendly places to order from in East Lancashire: