FX on Hulu s upcoming American Horror Story spinoff, the similarly-named American Horror Stories has added four new cast members. On Wednesday, series executive producer Ryan Murphy took to Instagram to share a photo of Glee alum Kevin McHale, Pose s Dyllón Burnside, Riverdale s Charles Melton, [.]
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Addison Rae Tells Us (and Her 70 Million TikTok Followers) Why She s Shopping Small This Holiday Season
Addison Rae Tells Us (and Her 70 Million TikTok Followers) Why She s Shopping Small This Holiday Season
The second-most-followed person on TikTok tells us why she partnered with Amazon to get her followers to shop small.
Jessica Thomas
Social media stars with varying degrees of “influence” have been encouraging followers to “shop small” this holiday season, but few have as large of an audience or as many Gen Z followers as 20-year-old Addison Rae Easterling. Between her 70 million followers on TikTok, 32 million on Instagram, and 4 million on Twitter and YouTube each, Easterling is in a unique position to actually influence followers to support small this December.