Remember that group of needy, hug-deprived men calling themselves the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence? They’re a collection of aging drag gorgons who dress as nuns and mock Catholics. They cause.
CDFW has an extensive, successful record on restoration statewide and the Ocean Ranch Restoration Project within CDFW’s Eel River Wildlife Area will be no exception.
The 850-acre Ocean Ranch Restoration Project is scheduled to begin sometime this summer. It will benefit native species and greatly improve public access and enjoyment of the property by establishing a formal trail system, improving parking including adding more building a launch for kayaks, canoes and other nonmotorized boats, and installing interpretive signage.
This project embodies CDFW’s vision for restored habitats, despite Uri Driscoll’s My Word column published Feb. 10 in the Times-Standard (“Wildlife area slated to be poisoned, burned, and bulldozed”). We believe the Humboldt County community deserves an accurate representation of this project.
“We’re less than 20 miles as the crow flies, and while many of my friends in the valley say, ‘You should see our view of Mt Hood.’ I chuckle because you really should see it from this side too. It really shines from up here.”
Above the nearby small burg of Tygh Valley, an overlook provides a peek to the namesake White River and marks a route that pioneers followed in the great migration across Oregon to reach the Willamette Valley.
There are several lakes and ponds but a short cast away, where boating and fishing can be enjoyed.