A pilot cohort of five New Hampshire and Vermont high school students interested in careers in healthcare started a new pre-apprenticeship program in March that has them in inpatient, ambulatory, perioperative and pharmaceutical health care.
The state is funneling millions of dollars into expanding licensed practical nurse training programs as the shortage of healthcare workers intensifies. The Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee voted last week to double the community college LPN training.
LEBANON A new private arts high school slated for downtown Lebanon received approval for a permit it needs to occupy a space on the pedestrian mall, as well as a warm welcome from neighbors at a Planning Board meeting this week.The Lebanon Planning.
CLAREMONT COVID-19 testing and vaccination sites in Claremont are scheduled to close this month, along with others around the state.The testing site is slated to close on Tuesday, and the vaccination site on March 31, according to the New Hampshire.