to get an elderly woman to jump out the window but that she never did and he has no idea whether she made it out alive. officials say they are still searching for one passenger. floodwaters from the rising missouri river moving dangerously close to nebraska s nuclear power plants. officials tell folks there is there is no need for panic. the high water already surrounding one plant and moving toward the other site. the situation sparking fears of another nuclear disaster like the one we saw in japan this year. nebraska utility officials say that will not happen. we are on a river body. it s but it s a river. it s not an ocean. so this is a very slow flood that s occurring here in the eastern part of the state.
also emergency procedures such as they can keep the core cool. gretchen: steve harrigan is live mere fort calhoun, nebraska. reporter: despite the assurances its is a worrisome picture for many people. you have two feet of floodwater from the missouri river. and it s likely to get even two feet higher the next week. but officials say here what happened in japan with those meltdowns of nuclear cores could never happen in the scene behind me. it s not like japan. obviously we are on a river body. but it s a river. it s not an ocean. so this is a slow flood that s occurring here in the eastern part of the state. reporter: this plant did have to rely on emergency electric power for 12 hours sunday. this happened after a worker driving a bobcat earth moving machine ruptured, punctured one of the plastic berms that
reward for finding that body. he denies that. phil keating with the very latest from the trial that he has been following from the beginning live from central florida. phil, we heard from the meter reader s supervisor today as well. right. when roy crunk first discovered what he thought was the skull, he was on his work route but he was not so on his work route when he made that december discovery. december 11th, the day caylee s remains were found by mr. crunk. did he read any meters in that neighborhood that day? no. so, as far as you knew, he went straight to the woods? this defense theory that crunk found the bones, hid them and replanted them make it for cailee. exclusive to know if f. that duct tape truly was the murder weapon. shepard: we heard from casey anthony s mother and brother today each telling a different version of the same story. casey s brother contradicting