$111 billion, okay. that s a little bit less than, about 7/10ths of a percent of gdp. if anybody in their right mind thinks that this economy went from fragile to frail with the last couple of jobs reports can sustain an extraction of $111 billion of federal spending right now, i m not sure what planet they are living on. most of the responsible budget plans including the fiscal commission and rital ridalin/deminchey, and you would see the safety programs that people need and also entitlement, infrastructure and education, and pretty much everything that is vulnerable in the sounds good.
hear in the excellent introduction. waiting for you. thanks for saving these. look, this thing, within a new fiscal year, the 2012 fiscal year which starts in 70 days or so, it would require a cut of $111 billion, okay. that s a little bit less than, about 7/10ths of a percent of gdp. if anybody in their right mind thinks that this economy went from fragile to frail with the last couple of jobs reports can sustain an extraction of $111 billion of federal spending right now, i m not sure what planet they are living on. most of the responsible budget plans including the fiscal commission and rital ridalin/deminchey, and you would see the safety programs that people need and also