Stand. Everybody is against hate. That is not a hard thing to say. The question is, how you operate this big company at the same time, so that all our team its our teammates can be who they are when they come through the door. I have seen examples of how transformative technologies like Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence can be applied in retail banking. The about this business, wholesale business . How you manage the transition from people to machines on the trading floor. Those trading things is tuned to that traitor, and that person. It is a huge impact, the information coming into their systems, it has changed dramatically. If you think about more broadly, all of industry, all of businesses follows society that is affected by major trends. Artificialnition, intelligence, the ability to thenters tribute data ability to store and distribute data. More more electronic vacation will continue more and more ication will continue. Xyz that means is investment manager putting trad