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100 Years Ago: 1921
The Salvation Army is 37 years old today and the Corps is planning on a birthday meeting tonight. All Interested are invited to attend and hear a retrospective on “Thirty Years Ago and Now.” There will be original choruses on the program.
50 Years Ago: 1971
A group of persons active in the Catholic Youth Organization gathered Friday evening at the Steer House in Lewiston to honor Rev. Royal J. Parent who serves as the CYO moderator for the State of Maine. Fr. Parent was recently named pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Eagle Lake and the party was arranged as a sort of a farewell even though Fr. Parent will retain his post as moderator for several months. Miss Rita Castonguay of Holy Cross Church, Lewiston Deanery Three adult advisors made arrangements for the party which was attended by youth and adult advisors from throughout the state. It was planned as a surprise for Fr. Parent. He was presented with a gift of appreciation from the gr