Plays. A lIttle bIt of Trance MusIc theyre playIng. The attack of course had the largest number of casualtIes out of a number of massacres, targeted IsraelI cItIzens and vIllages of course adjacent to the jOneses vIllages of course adjacent to ThejOneses Gaza StrIp On October Seven Last year. Many FamIly Members of those are stIll beIng held captIve are gatherIng there In the cIty, In the yougov desert. Yegev desert. InaudIble. InaudIble. Man speaks yIddIsh. We are havIng trouble. People have travelled far and wIde, for many, a symbol of the october seven attacks and the Images of young people. Were also hearIng as well of many of the who were taken hostage at thIs event, bIbIc we subsequently reported On horrIfIc events that took place for them bbc subsequently reported. MutIlatIOn, FamIly Members stIll waItIng to hear If they are goIng to ever see theIr FamIly Members agaIn. As you can see, hundreds of people there. I belIeve I stIll have WIll VernOn wIth me. Can I ask you what else
it seems to me that if i had - scale and i m afraid to even say it. it seems to me that if i had the i it seems to me that if i had the white it seems to me that if i had the white house it seems to me that if i had the white house perspective, - it seems to me that if i had the white house perspective, it- it seems to me that if i had the - white house perspective, it seems that they re white house perspective, it seems that they re hoping white house perspective, it seems that they re hoping to white house perspective, it seems that they re hoping to buy - white house perspective, it seems that they re hoping to buy time - white house perspective, it seems that they re hoping to buy time for| that they re hoping to buy time for ukraine, that they re hoping to buy time for ukraine, which that they re hoping to buy time for ukraine, which must that they re hoping to buy time for ukraine, which must be that they re hoping to buy time for ukraine, which must be very- that